Name/Όνομα: Λούπινο το στενόφυλλο*
Scientific name/Επιστημονικό όνομα: Lupinus angustifolius L.
Common name/ Κοινό όνομα: Narrow-leaves lupin, blue lupin, lupin blue, blaue lupine, lupino azzuro, λούπινο
Family/Οικογένεια: FABACEAE
*Η απόδοση του είδους στα Ελληνικά είναι εισήγηση του συγγραφέα.
Lupinus angustifolius is an annual herb with a deep rooting system, growing up to 80cm high or more. Stems erect, branched, angled and covered with short hairs. Leaves alternate, compound, long-stalked, palmately divided to the base into 5-11 simple, entire, unequal, sessile, narrowly obovate or linear-spatulate leaflets, glabrous above, sparsely hairy beneath, base cuneate, apex terminating into an acute point; stipules subulate. Flowers purplish-blue, zygomorphic, papilionaceous, hermaphrodite in false racemes or in irregular axillary whorls towards apex; lower flowers sometimes solitary alternating along the flowering axil; pedicels short, purplish; bracts narrow-lanceolate to elliptic, purplish-brown, hairy; calyx hairy, 2-lipped, upper lip 2-lobed, lobes wide at the base, lower lip 3-lobed, distinctly larger than the upper lip, lobes linear; banner (standard pedal) ovate and glabrous with reflexed margins, wings somewhat obovate and glabrous, keel green at the base, a little swollen in the middle, purplish, apex dark blue with upturn apex, glabrous; stamens 10, all filaments fused at the base, anthers unequal; ovary superior, style 1, stigma 1; flowering time April-May (Cyprus). The fruit is a long, flat, dehiscent legume (pod) with acute or beaked apex, restricted between the 2-5 seeds. Native to Southern Europe and the Mediterranean region. A common plant in Cyprus and it is found at the igneous ground and open pine forests from 600-1200m alt.